
How to Adopt Your Stepchild

Adopting your stepchild can make your family feel connected and is accomplished with a process that is easier than a regular adoption.

Talk to your stepchild, and determine whether he or she wants to be adopted by you. Some children may wish to be adopted, while others may feel strongly about their biological parent.

Discuss the situation with your spouse. Does he or she believe strongly that this is what is best?

Consider the parent you would replace. Does he or she still have contact with the child, or has the child been abandoned by the parent? Would this parent be willing to consent to adoption?

Understand that, to be able to adopt, the biological parent must formally and legally consent, be deceased or the court must find that the parent has abandoned the child.

Realize that the definition of abandonment is one that varies from state to state but generally means that the parent no longer is a part of the child's life.

Contact a lawyer in your area who handles adoptions, or obtain books about how to file the adoption on your own in your state.

Request the necessary forms from court personnel if you are handling the adoption on your own.

Know that the adoption process moves much quicker in stepparent situations. Waiting periods and investigations are minimized or eliminated.

Decide what the child's name will be after the adoption. Will you be changing the child's last name to match yours? Discuss this with the child and your spouse.

Think about the need for counseling. If you are adopting an older child who has a memory of the other parent, counseling may help the child deal with his or her feelings about the adoption.

Make certain that you understand the legal implications of adoption. You will become the child's legal parent, no different than if you were the biological parent. You have the right to obtain custody should you ever divorce. You are responsible for supporting the child. The child will have the right to inherit from you when you die.


How to Prepare for an Amniocentesis

It is natural to feel fear before amniocentesis. However, many women say they experience little or no pain during the procedure. And the results of an amniocentesis will do a lot to allay fears later in the pregnancy.

Prepare to have amniocentesis between the 15th and 20th weeks of your pregnancy.

Wear loose-fitting clothes the morning of your procedure.

Eat a light breakfast.

Drink 48-64 ounces of fluid before your amniocentesis, if specified by your doctor.

Hold your bladder until your doctor or ultrasound technician instructs you to urinate. Usually, an ultrasound is done to locate the placenta before inserting the needle. (See "How To Get An Ultrasound.")

Understand that the procedure will take 20 to 45 minutes.

Sign a consent form.

Lie back on the procedure table. Fold your hands behind your head. Take several slow, deep breaths.

Allow the doctor to cleanse your abdomen with alcohol or betadine.

Take a slow, deep breath as the doctor inserts a needle through your abdomen to remove about a tablespoon of amniotic fluid. You may feel a brief stinging sensation.